Week 5 ~ Curriculum as Public Policy: Critical Engagement with the Politics of Knowledge

  Before the Reading

How do you think that school curricula are developed?

  • I think that school curricula is developed through the government. I think that the people that are in charge and have the most say when it comes to education would have to be the government. I also think that the school board would have to have some kind of input in the curriculum because it is being taught in schools.

After the Reading

How are school curricula developed and implemented?

  • While reading through this chapter I learned that the curriculum is actually developed through many people but mainly through the citizens that vote for a government. I had speculations that the government was involved with what goes in the curriculum and unfortunately I learned by reading this chapter that I was correct. Although the school district and board is primarily involved with the curriculum, the government has the final say in what we teach our students.

What new information/perspectives does this reading provide about the development and implementation of school curriculum?

  • I noticed that this reading provides a bias perspective about the development of the school curriculum that is mainly because the author has a bias political background.  It also shows that it will take a very long time and lots of money to do some changes with the school curriculum. The government plays a very important role when it comes to funding and implementing the school curriculum.

Is there anything that surprises you or maybe that concerns you?

  • One thing that surprised me in this reading is that the students and the teachers have the least say when it comes to developing and implementing the curriculum. I find this to be very sad because I believe that the teachers and students should have the most say. I also didn’t think that the government would have the most control with what we teach our children.

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